Today our Treasure Box was overflowing with goodies… We got some great tins in. We have a large variety of tins for those collectors in your life!! We also received several nice, newer watches just in time for Christmas! We are working as quickly as possible to ensure that we have a great variety for everyone and it is starting to get full!
We had a great first week, meeting some great new people and enjoying the amazing hospitality that Minden offers us. While we will continue to bring new items out and get them all online, if there is something that you have seen in the store that you are not seeing online, send us a message and we will get you more information on it!
The last set of goodies we had come out of the treasure box was sewing boxes, sewing machine feet, and many other sewing items like thread, needles, and buttons!
Be sure to stop in here to see all these goodies!!
Over the next week, we will be setting up our Christmas Display!!